Wednesday, March 3, 2010

My Boat Art From 2004 to Now - 2010

In 2004 Linda and I lived in Fort Lauderdale, Florida in a ground floor level conda which was situated on the water. We had a boat dock 20 feet from our back door. This is the year I graduated from Radiology Technology school. As a graduation present, Linda bought me a 22 foot pontoon boat. It was beautiful. Two years later when we decided to move to Illinois we still owed a bunch of money on the boat but wanted to get rid of it the easiest way possible. So we left it in the hands of a shyster nad moved away. In 2008 the boat sold to a guy who lived in Galesburg, IL. In the end we were left with paying for the boat and not having anything to show for it. And it left us knowing we had been screwed. But we carried on ad recovered. Sort of like....just one of those things.
And so now in 2010 we have no debt. Our home is paid off, we have no credit card debt, no car loans and two GREAT jobs. I an x-ray tech and Linda an RN!!!! We are the luckiest people I know!!
My weight at WW yesterday was 256.8. Yippee!! Down 20.6 pounds!

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